We are pleased to announce that this year's Spring Festival of Children's Literature will be held in-person following all state, county, and university COVID-19 protocols. Masks will be required at all times during this event. Each year, we pack the house full of librarians, educators, parents and students who come to Frostburg State University’s campus to share their love of children’s literature, and to learn more about successful ways to share that love with children. In the “share and learn” atmosphere of the Spring Festival, adults who direct children’s learning interact first-hand with authors and illustrators, who bring characters to life and inspire children to read. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to engage in Professional Development Workshops in which strategies will be shared amongst each other. For more information and updates regarding the Spring Festival of Children's Literature, please check the CLC website and Facebook page.
Dr. B is celebrating 50 years at Frostburg State University! To help us celebrate this amazing milestone, let's try to raise $50,000 for CLC before the Spring Festival of Children's Literature.
For more details on the Spring Festival of Children's Literature, please visit our website.
693 days ago by Liz NelsonWith 112 days to go, we are now at 112% of our goal! Thank you for making your gift and being part of this campaign to raise $40,000 in honor of our 40th Anniversary.
700 days ago by Liz NelsonMark your calendars for this year’s event on Saturday, Dec. 3 – the elves will be working the Main Street area all day! The featured author will be Will Hillenbrand, who will share his amazing book, “Santa’s Story.” A few highlights of the day will include Breakfast With the Elves, Letters to Santa, a magical parade, Elves’ Secret Workshop, sticker stops and a classic movie.
This year, CLC and its elves are bringing a special gift to Frostburg in the form of a television crew that will capture the town’s Christmas celebration for part of a reality series called “Small Town Christmas,” airing later this year on cable channel UPtv. This is the second season of the docuseries, which pays tribute to small towns that celebrate the holidays in big ways. The show is hosted and executive produced by Megan Alexander, a national correspondent for “Inside Edition” and the author of books that include “The Magic of a Small Town Christmas.”
Alexander was drawn to Frostburg for its “cool” name as well as the annual Storybook Holiday celebration. She and her production team will wrap up their season in Frostburg and will be in town in late November and early December to capture Storybook Holiday. The episode is scheduled to air on UPtv on Sunday, Dec. 18, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time.
To get a preview of what “Small Town Christmas” is like or to see last year’s episodes, go to uptv.com/shows/small-town-christmas.
Earlier this month, Comptroller Peter Franchot visited Frostburg State University to honor CLC with the William Donald Schaefer Helping People Award.
Comptroller Franchot said this about CLC:
"Celebrating its 40th anniversary, the Centre has been instrumental in promoting literacy through technology and other innovative approaches that focuses specifically on children's books, authors and illustrators."

Dr. B has offered another great challenge! He will match all gifts, dollar for dollar, up to $1,000!891 days ago by Liz Nelson
If you missed all the fun over the weekend, you missed a lot! The CLC won $10,000 towards this campaign by having the most donors on Bobcat Giving Day!
WE WON because of YOU!! The CLC cannot thank you enough for making this possible!! The CLC legacy & commitment to providing literacy to children will continue because of your generous donations & support to the CLC. We THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.
We hope to see you soon at one of our events!!
1040 days ago by Liz NelsonSpring Festival of Children's Literature
We are pleased to announce that this year's Spring Festival of Children's Literature will be held in-person following all state, county, and university COVID-19 protocols. Masks will be required at all times during this event. Each year, we pack the house full of librarians, educators, parents and students who come to Frostburg State University’s campus to share their love of children’s literature, and to learn more about successful ways to share that love with children. In the “share and learn” atmosphere of the Spring Festival, adults who direct children’s learning interact first-hand with authors and illustrators, who bring characters to life and inspire children to read. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to engage in Professional Development Workshops in which strategies will be shared amongst each other. For more information and updates regarding the Spring Festival of Children's Literature, please check the CLC website and Facebook page.
1087 days ago by Liz NelsonThank you to everyone who gave to meet Dr. Bingman's challenge!
Dr. Ed Root has generously offered another. Please share this with your network online to encourage more to join you in your support.
Thank you to everyone who has given so far. We are halfway to meeting Dr. Bingman's match.
1176 days ago by Liz NelsonDonors
View All DonorsAffiliation | Donors | $ Raised |
1969 | 1 | $100 |
2008 | 1 | $100 |
2014 | 1 | $25 |